You’d think that choosing a tent would be simple. Especially with advancements in technologies, which have given us more choices. Also because camping in tents is one of the most basic ways to sleep outdoors. But the advancements also mean lots more choices for all the different types of camping we might want to do. […]
Camping in the snow has new and difficult challenges compared to summer time camping. Remember, your core body temperature only needs to drop by 1 degree, for your body to start getting serious side effects from the cold. So, before you embark on a snow day camp make sure you have done your research and […]
The countryside has been around since the birth of our island and so has the inspiration for so many stories, songs, myths and legends. More and more people visiting the countryside every year, increasing love for the animals, birds and plants. However, this also comes with a price as the number of farmer/rambler conflicts increase, […]
We would love to tell everyone that hiring your equipment is the best and only choice to make, but we’re not like that. We are here to make sure people make the best choices for them and have the knowledge available to do that. When it comes to getting your hands on equipment, fundamentally you […]
Hello and welcome to our first blog, ever!!! We’re really excited and we hope that you are to and we hope that you find what we have to say fun, entertaining and insightful. We are a merry band of camping enthusiasts that recently started working with school kids. We felt, that all children should have […]